Why this blog

When I learn, I generate a lot of notes, documentation and code, those often just gather dust on my hard drive. My thought with this blog is that I can share all my findings about subjects with the community.

Who am I

My hometown currently is Nyköping, Sweden. Whenever I can I like to spend time with friends and take (shopping) weekends in different cites. A passion I have is to drive motocross, which I try to drive as much as I can. But driving motocross isn’t just about the driving (and repairing), you have to focus and look ahead, just like when coding, and almost everything. You have to be several steps ahead so you don’t get surprised by what’s behind the next corner.

When I not doing that, and not taking power walks, I code PowerShell. I love PowerShell, but most of all the PowerShell community! I have the pleasure and honor of collaborating with Microsoft PowerShell DSC Team, and contributors all over the world, in the effort to solve issues and improve the open source PowerShell DSC resource modules in the DSC Resource Kit. During 2018, between the month of April and June, I got the opportunity to work full time with the PowerShell DSC Team on the DSC Resource Kit. It has been an amazing experience.

I am a named maintainer of the PowerShell DSC resource modules xFailOverCluster and SqlServerDsc. For me being a maintainer it involves mostly administrative tasks, for example answering issues, tagging issues, tagging pull requests, reviewing code, and merging code. It also involves making sure the continuous integration process works, try to help other contributors with any coding issues that arise. Much of the time I dedicate to this maintainer role is spent maintaining, but from time to time I also get time to improve the resources myself.

My day job is at D-data AB where I belong to the unit Business Development as a Systems Architect. My focus areas are mostly integration and content management. My responsibilities are, among other things, the life cycle of the software platforms. That the platforms are designed to meet the business needs in the short and long term, and that the software fits and can be reused in the enterprise architecture.